Interaction with international programmes that have HAB research as a term of reference is fundamental for the success of GlobalHAB​
The GlobalHAB Programme is designed to co-operate with other international programmes, including those supported by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR).
GlobalHAB shares its scientific research interest on HABs with other international entities. In consequence, collaborations between GlobalHAB and these bodies are fundamental for success and reciprocal benefit. At the inception of GlobalHAB, some collaborations have already started (listed below in alphabetic order), and new links are expected and envisioned in the future. For instance, other regional programmes (e.g., IOCARIBE/ANCA, IOC/FANSA, IOC/WESTPAC, UN Environment Regional Seas) and international organizations and programmes (e.g., IPCC, PICES, UN Environment) are or will also be contacted to establish synergies with GlobalHAB.
- EuroGOOS – Traditionally focused on physical oceanography processes, the incorporation of FerryBox systems and instrumented oceanographic buoys may facilitate research on HABs.
- GEO/Blue Planet – The relationship with GEO/Blue Planet and GlobalHAB will be fostered through collaboration by arranging joint activities such as workshops or symposia and by inviting members of the respective steering committees to the other programmes’ meetings for planning future work.
- GOOS Biology and Ecosystems Panel – The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), particularly its coastal element and the Biology and Ecology Panel, is an important linkage to GlobalHAB. GOOS has identified phytoplankton, including HABs, as an Essential Ocean Variable (EOV). GlobalHAB will help develop and oversee this EOV and the GOOS webpages can raise the visibility of GlobalHAB.
- IAEA– IAEA developed a receptor-binding assay method for PSP and is now focusing on ciguatera (CTX detection method). IAEA participates in monitoring (sampling devices), provides support for lab equipment, is producing reference materials, and is incorporating epidemiology on the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). All these aspects are relevant for the implementation of GlobalHAB objectives.
- ICES - The ICES/IOC WG on Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics (WGHABD), which concerns the ecology of HAB species within the ICES area, was pivotal in the development of GEOHAB. The new ToRs of the WGHABD in 2017 will incorporate “GlobalHAB” as a new descriptor. Furthermore, GlobalHAB will co-sponsor a workshop on novel methods for HABs species detection.
- IOCCG– The joint working group between GEOHAB and IOCCG can continue with GlobalHAB and contribute
to improve the use of satellite tools for HAB detection and modelling.
- IPHAB – IPHAB identifies priority needs related to HABs and addresses IOC high-level objectives (e.g., the development of a Global HAB Status Report, a UN interagency strategy on ciguatera for improved research and management). Support to GlobalHAB from IPHAB could include training workshops (e.g., on taxonomy), interaction with member states and regional grouping on HAB issues, technical support through IPHAB Task Teams, and encouragement of countries to support their scientists to engage in GlobalHAB activities. The IOC liaison also includes links to IOC regional programmes such as IOC/WESTPAC/HAB, which could contribute to GlobalHAB, for instance, by creating outreach materials and sending regional experts to GlobalHAB-related meetings.
- ISSHA – ISSHA is the sponsor of the International Conferences on Harmful Algae (ICHA) convened every two years. GlobalHAB will collaborate with ISSHA to identify specific sessions to achieve GlobalHAB objectives and to facilitate the engagement of the international community on the implementation of the programme.
- PICES has a Section on Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms in the North Pacific. PICES could collaborate with GlobalHAB in future studies, through the alignment of PICES work with specific GlobalHAB objectives, providing ex officio status for GlobalHAB representatives on PICES Expert Groups that organize special meetings, workshops, and symposia, etc.