References to HAB Relevant Methods and Protocols
This section was created by Dr. Suzanne Roy, Université de Québec à Rimouski (Québec, Canada).
Submit your suggestions to be included in this section to the GlobalHAB SSC. Thanks.
General Biological and Chemical Oceanography
Grasshoff, K., K. Kremling, and M. Ehrhardt. 1999. Methods of seawater analysis, 3rd ed., Wiley-VCH , New York
Parsons, T.R., Y. Maita, and C.M. Lalli. 1984. A manual of chemical and biological methods for seawater analysis. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 173 pp.
Strickland, J.D.H. and T.R. Parsons. 1972. A practical handbook of seawater analysis. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Bull. 167. 311 pp.
General and Comprehensive HAB Methods
Hallegraeff, G.M., D.M. Anderson, and A.D. Cembella (eds.) 2003. Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae. Monographs on oceanographic methodology, vol. 11, UNESCO Publ., Paris. 793 pp.
Bidigare, R.R., L. Van Heukelem, C.C. Trees, and J. Perl. 2003. HPLC Phytoplankton Pigments: Sampling, Laboratory Methods, and Quality Assurance Procedures. In J.L. Mueller, G.S. Fargion, and C.R. McClain (eds.),Ocean Optics Protocols For Satellite Ocean Color Sensor Validation, Revision 5, Volume V: Biogeochemical and Bio-Optical Measurements and Data Analysis Protocols. NASA/TM-2003, National Aeronautical and Space administration, Goddard Space Flight Space Center , Greenbelt , Maryland 20771. 36 pp.
Britton, G., S. Liaaen-Jensen, and H. Pfander (eds.) 2004. Carotenoids handbook. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.
Jeffrey, S.W., R.F.C. Mantoura, and S.W. Wright. 1997. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography. Monographs on oceanographic methodology, vol. 10, UNESCO Publ., Paris. 661 pp.
US Environmental Protection Agency. Approved Clean Water Act Methods : Protocols for the JGOFS core measurements (JGOFS Rep. 19) :
Toxins and toxicity
Hess, P., P. McCarron, and M.A. Quilliam. 2007. Fit-for-purpose shellfish reference materials for internal and external quality control in the analysis of phycotoxins. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 387(7):2463-2474.
Horwitz, W. (ed.) 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC international. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists International, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Hungerford, J.M. 2006. Committee on Natural Toxins and Food Allergens: Marine and Freshwater Toxins. Journal of AOAC International 89(1):248-269.
Quilliam, M.A. 2001. Committee on Natural Toxins and Food Allergens: Phycotoxins. Journal of AOAC International 84(1):194-212.
Quilliam, M.A. 2003. Chemical methods for lipophilic shellfish toxins. In G.M. Hallegraeff, D.M. Anderson, and A.D. Cembella (eds.), Manual on harmful marine microalgae. Monographs on oceanographic methodology. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO), Paris, 11: 211-245.
Quilliam, M.A. 2003. Chemical methods for domoic acid, the amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) toxin. In G.M. Hallegraeff, D.M. Anderson and A.D. Cembella (eds.), Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae, Monographs on Oceanographic Methodology. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO), Paris, 11:247-266.
Stobo, L.A. , J.-P.C.L. Lacaze, A.C. Scott, S. Gallacher, E.A. Smith, and M.A. Quilliam. 2005. Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry—Detection of Lipophilic Shellfish Toxins. Journal of AOAC International 88(5):1371-1382.
Biooptics and Remote Sensing
Babin, M., C.S. Roesler, and J.J. Cullen (eds.) 2008. Real-time coastal observing systems for marine ecosystem dynamics and harmful algal blooms. Theory, instrumentation and modelling. Oceanographic Methodology series, UNESCO publishing, Paris (Fance), 807 p.
Babin, M., J.J. Cullen, C.S. Roesler, P.L. Donaghay, G.J. Doucette, M. Kahru, M.R. Lewis, C.A. Scholin, M.E. Sieracki, and H.M. Sosik. 2005. New approaches and technologies for observing harmful algal blooms. Oceanography 18(2):210-227.
Mueller, J.L., and R.W. Austin. 1995. Ocean optics protocols for SeaWIFS validation: Revision 1, SeaWIFS technical report series, NASA Tech. Memo., Greenbelt , Md. . 66 pp.
Sathyendranath, S. (ed.) 2000. Remote Sensing of Ocean Colour in Coastal, and Other Optically-Complex, Waters. IOCCG Report Number 3. 140 pp.
Websites of interest:
Ocean Optics Protocols For Satellite Ocean Color Sensor Validation, Revision 4, Volumes 1 - 7, Mueller et al. 2003. SeaWIFS Technical Report Series, NASA/TM-2003-21621
Habwatch: Workshop on real-time coastal observing systems for ecosystem dynamics and harmful algal blooms Website with lecture & other resources
Habwatch Proceedings: Real-time Coastal Observing Systems for Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Harmful Algal Blooms. Theory, Instrumentation and Modelling. Edited by Marcel Babin, Collin S. Roesler and John J. Cullen. UNESCO Oceanographic Methodology series.
Alliance for Coastal Technologies: Technologies and Methodologies for Detecting HABs and their Toxins
Aeronet Ocean Colour Network
Molecular Detection Methods
Haugland, R.P. 2005. The Handbook: A Guide to Fluorescent Probes and Labeling Technologies,Invitrogen Molecular Probes, Chicago. Harlow, E., and D. Lane. 1999. Using Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York. 495 pp.
Hudson, L., and F.C. Hay (eds.) 1996. Practical Immunology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. Innis, M.A., D.H. Gelfand, and J.J. Sninsky (eds.) 1995. PCR Strategies. Academic Press, San Diego. 373 pp.
Molecular methods for detecting and characterizing harmful phytoplankton
Karlson, B., C. Cusak, and E. Bresnan. 2010. Microscopic and molecular methods for quantitative phytoplankton analysis. IOC Manuals and Guides no. 55, Paris, UNESCO, 110 p.
Litaker, R.W., and P.A. Tester. 2002. Molecular methods for detecting and characterizing harmful phytoplankton. In C.J. Hurst, R.L. Crawford, G.R. Knudsen, M.J. McInerney, and L.D. Stetzenbach (eds.), Manual of environmental microbiology, 2nded., American Society of Microbiology Press, Washington, District of Columbia, pp. 342–353.
Scholin, C., E. Vrieling, L. Peperzak, L. Rhodes, and P. Rublee. 2003. Detection of HAB species using lectin, antibody and DNA probes. In: G.M. Hallegraeff, D.M. Anderson and A.D. Cembella (eds.), Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae, Monographs on Oceanographic Methodology. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO), Paris, 11:131-163.
Plankton Methods
Harris, R.P., P.H. Wiebe, J. Lenz, H.R. Skjoldal, and M. Huntley (eds.) 2000. ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual. Academic Press, San Diego . 684 pp.
Sournia, A. (ed.) 1978. Phytoplankton Manual. UNESCO, Paris. 337 pp. (out of stock from publisher)
UNESCO Press. 1968. Zooplankton Sampling. Monographs on oceanographic methodology, 2. Paris . 174 pp. (out of stock from publisher)
Taxonomy and Identification of Harmful Algae
Cronberg, G., E.J. Carpenter, and W.W. Carmichael. 2003. Taxonomy of harmful cyanobacteria. In G.M. Hallegraeff, D.M. Anderson, and A.D. Cembella (eds.), Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae. Monographs on oceanographic methodology, vol. 11, UNESCO Publ., Paris . Pp. 523-562
Dodge, J.D. 1982. Marine dinoflagellates of the British Isles. He Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 303 pp.
Fryxell, G.A., and G.R. Hasle. 2003. Taxonomy of harmful diatoms. In G.M. Hallegraeff, D.M. Anderson, and A.D. Cembella (eds.), Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae. Monographs on oceanographic methodology, vol. 11, UNESCO Publ., Paris . Pp. 465-510.
Fukuyo, Y., H. Takano, M. Chihara, and K. Matsuoka. 1990. Red tide organisms in Japan – An illustrated taxonomic guide. Tokyo , Uchida Rokakuho, 407 pp.
Hallegraeff, G.M., and Y. Hara. 2003. Taxonomy of harmful marine raphidophytes. 2003. In G.M. Hallegraeff, D.M. Anderson, and A.D. Cembella (eds.), Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae. Monographs on oceanographic methodology, vol. 11, UNESCO Publ., Paris . Pp. 511-522.
Larsen, J., and Ø. Moestrup. 1989. Guide to toxic and potentially toxic marine algae. Danish Ministry of Fisheries, Fish Inspection Service, 61 pp.
Lebour, M. 1925. The dinoflagellates of northern seas. Marine Biological Association of the UK, Plymouth, UK.
Taylor , F.J.R., Y. Fukuyo, J. Larsen, and G.M. Hallegraeff. 2003. Taxonomy of harmful dinoflagellates. In G.M. Hallegraeff, D.M. Anderson, and A.D. Cembella (eds.), Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae. Monographs on oceanographic methodology, vol. 11, UNESCO Publ., Paris . Pp. 389-432
Tomas, C.R. (ed.) 1997. Identifying marine phytoplankton. Academic Press, San Diego , CA . Moestrup, Ø., and H.A. Thomsen. 2003. Taxonomy of toxic haptophytes (prymnesiophytes). In G.M. Hallegraeff, D.M. Anderson, and A.D. Cembella (eds.), Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae. Monographs on oceanographic methodology, vol. 11, UNESCO Publ., Paris . Pp. 433-464.
IOC Taxonomic Reference List list of Harmful Algae
Some Useful Web Sites for Identification of Harmful Algae
CEDIT (Centre of Excellence for Dinoflagellate Taxonomy) Moira Hoppenrath :
Introduction to the Dinoflagellata. A University of California, Berkley site with general information on dinoflagellates.
Dinoflagellates. A Canadian site with general discussion of dinoflagellates, including other links and references.
ADIAC : Automatic Diatom Identification and Classification:
East Sound (USA) Phytoplankton :
Japanese web site on dinoflagellates:
Oceanic Plankton, Roscoff Biological Station (France) :
Checklist of phytoplankton in the Skagerrak-Kattegat:
Other Phycological Collection Catalogs. A University of California Museum of Paleontology site list of links to other phycology sites.
Strickland, J.D.H. and T.R. Parsons. 1972. . Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Bull. 167. 311 pp